The Craft Bar

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Trivia pairs well with beer.

Ah, the exhilaration that once came from receiving a shiny gold star when you answered a question right in school! It's not often we get to feel those feels as adults...but then there's trivia.

Pub trivia is the adult version of all that. So kick back, have a drink, and show off that giant brain of yours to all your friends. When you win, you'll get something even better than a gold star!

hint: it's probably beer

Think you got the smarts? Like good beer? Let's play. 

Now, every week at our PCB location, you can use your noodle and drink some good brew on Trivia Tuesdays! It all starts at 7pm, and right off the bat anyone who's playing drinks Idyll Hounds drafts for just $5! 

it's your own little happy hour! A participation trophy! ...yes, everyone gets one but that doesn't mean you're not special. You're special to us.

There's no theme to the game each week, it's always a general mix so everyone has a shot! Each question has a category that you find out before each round

so you can pick ahead of time which of your teammates to blame if you get one wrong.

For prizes, we'll award bar tabs, Idyll Hounds gift certificates, and sometimes swag or growlers from the brewery too! But you gotta place in the top 3.

Let the games begin!